His bravery and intelligence

His bravery, his unique heroism, his charismatic chacter, his self-denial, his broad and quick spirit was unique and never before to this extent had there been such a leader of such a huge empire. Arrianos wrote ” Alexander had great power to grab the right movement, when the situation seemed vague “.

The unity of the Greeks

Alexander understood the problem of seperation but the advantage of joining the Greeks. He united the Greek world, created the instutition with great significance up to today, with discrete and huge rights and freedom without distinction. The Greek Alexander was the true Alexander.

The creation of new cities

From the beginning of his campaign, Alexander foresaw the meaning of the cities. The creation of the new and complete settlement centers consist of a big Greek tradition, which was inherited by many nations. Alexander created more than seventy new cities, which became evidence to his enormous faith to Greek principles and values, that professed.

Greek education

Alexander had full conscience and awareness of his contribution to the Greek continuation and eternity. He himself transferred learning, culture and the Greek way of life. He created educational centres, schools, where the basic reading for the students was Homer.

Religious belief and the depth of human feelings

Alexander was a faithful person, that understood the strength of the gods and the respect man should show. In every decision he would take into account concerning peace and at war he would think and then pray. His faith in strength and knowledge was connected with the intensive faith and religion. From a young age, Alexander believed that he would achieve more than his father.

The Greek cultural standard

Freedom, leading point of human existance, which was created in the Greek cultural standard, are placed in the centre of Alexander’s politics. The military victory, the alliance with the Persians, was no obstacle for Alexander, who believed that he could not rule with harsh pressure, and slavery …

Pure and temperate

Alexander was humble and temperate. Ploutarchos characterizes him ” invulerable desire “, while Arrianos writes that he was ” temperate of the pleasures of the body ” (” The Anabasis of Alexander “, 28,2). He never came close to a woman and never knew one before the wedding, because he regarded ” βασιλικώτερον τὸ κρατεῖν ἑαυτοῦ τοῦ νικᾶν τοὺς πολεμίους “, meaning it is much more significant and more royal than the king to conquer passion than to conquer the enemies ” (” The Anabasis of Alexander “, 21,7).

Civilization of the people in the East

When Alexander was walking towards the East, he felt that he had to offer to the people a life panhuman vision. This vision derived from Greek education, the only education with insuperable spirit and transcendence, the same as the talented victorious army commander was taught in his country in all the extension and all the depth from the best scientist and wiser teacher in those years, Aristotle …

The strategies of Alexander the Great as a sourse of inspiration

We know that Alexander the Great, the biggest general and leader in the world-wide history, influenced and inspired with his achievements a lot of politicians and leaders of the army, amongst them Pompey, Julius, Caesar, Marcus Antonio, Augustus, Hannibal, the Medici, the Habsburgs, M. Frederick, Napolean Bonaparte, Nilson, Wellington …