When Alexander was walking towards the East, he felt that he had to offer to the people a life panhuman vision. This vision derived from Greek education, the only education with insuperable spirit and transcendence, the same as the talented victorious army commander was taught in his country in all the extension and all the depth from the best scientist and wiser teacher in those years, Aristotle, student of Plato and indirectly Socrates.
Plato believed that real education is ” fulfilled ” education, because ” political thinking ” means ” thinking of univeral problems ” (W. Jarget,Παιδεια, 1, 149).
At the idea of this education the Greek spirit reached the peak of the consciousness of its super chronide and its universe. Alexander expressed this conscience, when, against Arriano, at Opus and at the world wide banquet revealed at the surprised eyes of the noblemen of Persia and other nations of the East the universal Greek spirit. His words were very characteristic ” Its believed that our world-wide nation… I do not care of about people’s origin or race. I seperate them with one criteria, their virtue… We must not think of God as a strict leader, but the father of all, whilst your behaviour to be the same as the life that goes on between brothers in a family… The oath that we gave with peace tonight keep it like a contract of love… ” ( ” The anabasis of Alexander “, 7,11).

Alexander with the horns of Ammona on a silver tetradrachm
Plato, in addition, mentions that ” Alexander taught the Granikous to be wed and farm their land, the Araxosaious and the Sogdians to nurse their fathers and not to kill them, the Persian to respect their mothers and not to fall in love with them, the Gedrosian children to recite the tragedies of Euripides and Sophocles, and the Asians, generally to read Homer ” ( ” Ethics “, 328).

The nations had every right to love Alexander and to honour him today as his ancestor.
When, before a few years, Arab scientists met with a Greek minister, stated: ” The bond between the Greeks and the Arabs has not been abolished,since the Arabs consider themselves as descendants of Alexander the Great ” (N. Marti, ” The forgery of the history of Macedonia “, 6.62). It is also known that the Asian tribe of the valley of Kalas at Sonat, the region of Peshawar, and Patane, Chitral, the tribe Hunza, the mountainous region of the Northern-East of Pakistan and the East of Afganstan, still until today and proud that their origins came from the soldiers of Alexander the Great, according to travel brochures of the Pakistanian Tourist Organisation.
Even today every child in India learns from children’s songs about Alexander the Great’s bravery (Sikantar, as it is known in all of this country).
For many decades many movies have been shot there about Alexander the Great. A black and white film, filmed in 1941 had the title of ” Sikantar “, in two local dialects, which until today is very popular.